
L-isqfijiet Filippini joħorġu ittra pastorali dwar l-emerġenza tal-klima

  • The Catholic bishops of the Philippines have released a major pastoral letter on “climate emergency”, urging their communities to ecological conversion, listen to the cry of the Earth and the poor and act together to mitigate the ill effects of climate change.

    Signed by Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao, the president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), the pastoral letter, entitled “An urgent call for ecological conversion, hope in the face of climate emergency”, was released on Tuesday. 

    The 9-page document is divided into eight sections, with the first half offering a reflection on the state of the environment, followed by concrete ecological actions…

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Ktieb dwar il-formazzjoni tas-saċerdoti bejn l-1838 u l-1938

    • Il-ktieb The Academic formation of priests in the University of Malta 1838-1938 jaf il-bidu tiegħu lir riċerka li l-awtur, Dun Frans Bonnici, għamel fl-arkiviji Maltin (Biblijoteka Nazzjonali, l-Università u l-Arkivju ta’ l-Ingliżi f’Santu Spiritu, ir-Rabat), u arkivji f’Ruma (tal-Università Gregorjana, San Albertu tal-Karmelitani u l-Angelicum tad-Dumnikani).

      Ir-riċerka kienet ikkonċentrata fuq il-formazzjoni akkademika, jiġifieri l-istudju li l-qassisin Maltin bejn l-1838 u l-1938 għamlu qabel saru saċerdoti…

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Sebgħa mill-għaxart itfal ta’ din il-familja ngħaqdu mal-Ordni Dumnikan

  • One of the incredible things about being part of a large family is the overall sense of unity between the siblings that so often occurs. Of course, there are always the squabbles, but there’s so much love — and influence — shared from the oldest to the youngest. This seems to be the case with the Hinnebusch family. When William (1908-1981), the eldest of 10, set off to join the Dominicans, six of his other siblings soon followed his example…

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ŻAK: Youth Exchange fl-Islovakkja

  • Il-membri taż-Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (ŻAK) jorganizzaw u jieħdu sehem f’diversi youth exchanges matul is-sena kollha. Grupp ta’ ħames żgħażagħ irritornaw minn ġimgħa l-Islovakja għax ipparteċipaw f’exchange, iffinanzjata mill-Erasmus+, bl-isem ta’ Solidarity: Just a Word?! Dawn huma l-esperjenzi tagħhom ta’ dik il-ġimgħa.

    “F’din il-ġimgħa fl-Islovakkja nista’ ngħid li kienet ġimgħa li mhux ħa ninsa qatt. Apparti l-fatt li ħadt gost bin-natura u l-ambjent tal-madwar u l-attivitaijiet li għamilna, nista’ ngħid li tgħallimt ħafna minn diversi persuni li ltqajt magħhom…

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Se tkompli l-investigazzjoni fiċ-Ċimiterju Tewtoniku fil-Vatikan

  • A brief statement issued by the interim director of the Holy See Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, shone light on the continuation of operations in the Vatican’s Teutonic Cemetery.

    Gisotti said the preliminary investigations that took place onJuly 11in the cemetery inside Vatican City were both of a documentary and a logistical nature. It emerged, he said, that between the 1960s and ‘70s  of the last century work was carried out to expand the college itself and that work, during this period, involved the entire cemetery area and the building of the Teutonic College…

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Emanuela Orlandi: Ma jinstabu ebda fdalijiet umani fl-oqbra tal-Vatikan

  • There are no human remains, no coffins, no urns and no bones in the two 19th century graves in the Teutonic Cemetery inside the Vatican where forensic experts were searching for the remains of Emanuela Orlandi.

    The 15 year-old-daughter of a Vatican bank employee, whose family lived inside Vatican City, disappeared on June 22, 1983. 

    A statement by the Holy See Press Office on Thursday confirmed that the operations at the Teutonic Cemetery to verify the hypothesis of the presence of human remains attributable to Emanuela Orlandi ended at 11.15 a.m…

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Live: Quddiesa f’Jum il-Pulizija 2019

  • Il-Ġimgħa, 12 ta’ Lulju 2019, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jiċċelebra Quddiesa fl-okkażjoni tal-205 anniversarju mit-twaqqif tal-Korp tal-Pulizija, fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Il-Quddiesa tibda fid-9am.


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Żur il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof waqt l-Open Weekend

  • Fl‑okkażjoni tal‑festa ta’ San Kalċidonju, il‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof fil‑Furjana qed tiftaħ il‑bibien tagħha għall‑pubbliku nhar is‑Sibt 20 u l‑Ħadd 21 ta’ Lulju 2019. Il‑pubbliku hu mistieden iżur il‑bini tal‑Kurja li kien magħruf bħala Casa Manresa, u jara x‑xogħol ta’ restawr li qed isir.

    Il‑viżitaturi ser ikunu jistgħu jammiraw l‑arkitettura Barokka u jaraw id‑diversi opri tal‑arti li jinsabu fis‑sala tar‑refettorju, fil‑kurituri, fis‑sagristija u fil‑kappella ddedikata lill‑Madonna ta’ Manresa fejn hemm ir‑relikwi ta’ San Kalċidonju…

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Il-Kulleġġ De La Salle jagħti kotba biex jgħin lill-pazjenti f’Mater Dei

  • During 2019 the Lasallian Community around the world is celebrating the 300th years anniversary of Saint John Baptist De La Salle’s entry into eternal life. 

    The emphasis of these celebrations are on Lasallian vocations and since De La Salle’s aim was the education of the poor and disadvantaged, the De La Salle College community in Malta thought of making a donation of 550 books to support patients at Mater Dei Hospital…

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