
Ritratti: Il-wiċċ veru ta’ San Niklaw

  • The “most realistic” portrait of the saint who became Santa Claus has been produced at a Liverpool university.


  • Many are familiar with the image of jolly old St Nick, popularized by the Coca-Cola company, but modern-day legends have obscured the reality of who Santa Claus was and what he really looked like…

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Taħdita pubblika mill-Prof. Conrad Thake

    • A public lecture is being held on Sacred Spaces.

      The event will be held on Tuesday, 11 December 2018 at 4:00 pm at the University of Malta (Theology Board Room – 317) in Msida.

      Guest lecturer, Professor Conrad Thake is a renowned architect and architectural historian. He has co-authored with the late Dr Quentin Hughes, the two volumes Malta – The Baroque Island (2003) and Malta – War and Peace, an Architectural Chronicle 1800-2000 (2005)…

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L-iskejjel obbligati jżidu t-tagħbija tax-xogħol tal-għalliema

Stqarrija tas-Segretarjat għall-Edukazzjoni Nisranija u l-Kulleġġ Stella Maris

  • The Secretariat for Catholic Education acknowledges the situation that schools are facing in terms of human resources. Schools have to adhere to new requirements set in the Collective Agreement whilst having been obliged by the Education Authorities to maximise the number of lessons teachers are assigned. This issue is presently being discussed with MUT.

    In the case of Stella Maris College, referred to earlier today by the UPE, the College wishes to clarify that only three teachers have been assigned one lesson over and above the agreed working load…

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L-ispejjeż biex trabbi t-tfal qed jaqtgħu qalb il-familji Amerikani

  • The overwhelming majority of U.S. families with children at home worry about paying their bills each month, and the cost of raising a child today is a significant factor in deciding whether to become parents, according to a recent study.

    Fifty-three percent of respondents to the 2018 American Family Survey said that the cost of raising a family today is not affordable for most people…

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Il-Papa Franġisku: Il-paċi hi responsabbiltà ta’ kulħadd

  • The Citadel of Peace Association was founded 20 years ago by Franco Vaccari who had an interest in conflict resolution. Mr Vaccari took the formerly abandoned Italian village of Rondine in Tuscany and turned it into a centre for conflict resolution which was nominated in 2015 for the Nobel Peace Prize. Over the years, young people from areas of conflict around the world have come to the village and the centre in a bid to promote understanding and peace…

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Ktejjeb dwar id-19-il martri Alġerini

  • It was Luke Edison who said, “you haven’t lived life to the fullest until you’ve found something worth dying for”.

    Some 19 missionaries in Algeria found themselves living in a time of great danger and their lives were threatened. All foreigners were given an ultimatum; to leave the Country or they will be targeted. The missionaries had the option to leave but they found something worth dying for; the love of God and the flock entrusted to them…

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Il-Papa waqt l-Anġelus: Niftħu qalbna biex nilqgħu lil Ġesù

  • In his reflection at the Angelus on the First Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that Advent is not just a time of preparation for Christmas: we are also looking forward to the return of Christ at the end of time, as well as our own, personal encounter with Jesus at the end of our lives. In these four weeks of Advent, he said, “called to leave a resigned and routine way of living, and to go forth, nurturing hopes and dreams for a new future.”


    The Holy Father highlighted two key attitudes that will help us have a good Advent: wakefulness, and prayer…

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Taħdita pubblika mill-Prof. Judith Povilus

    • A public lecture is being held on the striking theme: Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary: Mary, a Stumbling Block or a Door to Unity? 

      The event will be held on Thursday, 6th December, at 6:30pm at the Old Refectory, at the Archbishop’s Curia, in Floriana (entrance through Lion Street).

      Guest lecturer, Professor Judith Povilus, from the U.S., is an internationally acclaimed mathematician and one of the founders of Sophia University, Loppiano, Italy…

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Il-voluntiera ta’ Dr Klown iferrħu lir-residenti fid-Dar tal-Providenza

  • It-tobba ta’ Dr Klown, normalment ma jidhrux fuq palk. Madankollu, din is-sena se għamlu eċċezzjoni biex jiċċelebraw il-jum annwali tagħhom ta’ Dr Klown bil-CONCERTO BUFFO, maħluq b’mod speċjali għar-residenti tad-Dar tal-Providenza fis-Siġġiewi.

    Fis-snin l-imgħoddija, Jum Dr Klown kienet attività għall-pubbliku in ġenerali. Żgur li ħafna jiftakru il-parata ta’ Dr Klown fuq ix-xatt ta’ San Ġiljan u Tas-Sliema li fiha ħadu sehem aktar minn 700 tifel u tifla…

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Il-Papa bi kliem ta’ kuraġġ għat-tfal bil-kanċer

  • “Your journey through life is a bit difficult, dear children, because you have to be cured, overcome the disease or live with the disease, which is not easy,” the Pope said speaking to the sick children off-hand in Italian, with the help of interpreters.


    The Pope pointed out that they have many friends who help them a lot such as their family who help them move forward…

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