
Direttur ġdid għal Radju Marija

  • Dun Antoine Borg inħatar Direttur ta’ Radju Marija fl-Assemblea Ġenerali Annwali, is-Sibt 23 ta’ Ġunju 2018, lejlet il-festa ta’ San Ġwann il-Battista, wara l-approvazzjoni tal-Missjoni Kanonika mogħtija mill-Arċisqof ta’ Malta Charles J. Scicluna.

    F’Mejju li għadda, Dun Antoine kien  mistieden minn Padre Livio Fanzaga, Direttur ta’ Radio Maria Italia, għal kors ta’ taħriġ profond flimkien ma’ diretturi ġodda oħra minn diversi pajjiżi, fil-muniċipju ta’ Erba, fil-provinċja ta’ Como, l-Italja…

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Is-Segretarjat impenjat li jsolvi l-kwistjonijiet filwaqt li jsostni l-awtonomija tal-iskejjel tal-Knisja

  • The Secretariat for Catholic Education is surprised that the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) declared an industrial dispute on issues it is working on to resolve. The Union is also informed that, in the coming days, the Secretariat has meetings scheduled with different entities to discuss the issues highlighted by the MUT.

    The Secretariat would like to emphasise that all education grades employed by Church Schools and reimbursed by the State enjoy the same financial remuneration through the agreement reached between the Holy See and the Republic of Malta in 1991…

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Nomina tal-Isqof Awżiljarju ta’ Malta Monsinjur Joseph Galea-Curmi

  • Il-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa Franġisku ħatar lil Monsinjur Joseph Galea-Curmi Isqof Awżiljarju ta’ Malta u nnominah Isqof Titulari ta’ Cebarades. Fil-preżent, Monsinjur Galea-Curmi huwa l-Vigarju Ġenerali tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta.  

    Bħala Isqof Awżiljarju, l-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Monsinjur Galea-Curmi, li għandu 54 sena, huwa msejjaħ biex ikun il-kollaboratur u l-konsulent l-iżjed qrib tal-Arċisqof ta’ Malta, Monsinjur Charles J. Scicluna, u biex ikollu responsabbiltajiet ta’ tmexxija fil-Kurja kif ukoll fil-ministeru pastorali tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. 

    Mal-ordinazzjoni episkopali tiegħu, l-Isqof Galea-Curmi jsir membru tal-Konferenza Episkopali Maltija flimkien ma’ Monsinjur Arċisqof u mal-Isqof ta’ Għawdex, Monsinjur Mario Grech…

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Ippreżentat id-dokument tas-sinodu taż-żgħażagħ

  • The ‘Instrumentum Laboris’ or the working document of the upcoming Synod of Bishops on youth, scheduled from October 3-28 in the Vatican, has three main sections, namely, recognizing, interpreting and choosing with regard to vocation in life. 

    Presented at a press conference by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, along with 3 other officials, the 67-page document is the fruit of a long preparatory phase which began with the announcement of the synod by Pope Francis on October  6, 2016…

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Skont rapport ta’ riċerka ż-żgħażagħ huma inqas reliġjużi mill-adulti

  • A study by the Pew Research Center found that young adults worldwide are generally less religious than older adults by a variety of measures.

    The study, which drew upon previous surveys by Pew, concluded that this was true regardless of the predominant religion in the country, its level of economic development, or its level of religiosity. It defined young people as those under 40 years of age and older people as those 40 or older…

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Il-Papa Franġisku jtemm il-pellegrinaġġ ekumeniku f’Ġinevra

  • Pope Francis flew back to Rome after an “Ecumenical Pilgrimage” to the Swiss city of Geneva. The Pope made his 23rd Apostolic Journey outside Italy to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC).

    The WCC is a worldwide fraternity that comprises 345 different churches and ecclesial communities in more than 100 countries.

    During his one-day visit, the Holy Father spoke at an ecumenical prayer service, and later at an ecumenical meeting, both at the WCC Ecumenical Centre…

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Il-Papa f’Ġinevra: Il-veru ekumeniżmu jpoġġi lil Kristu qabel id-differenzi

  • Pope Francis landed in Geneva Thursday for a day-trip aimed at bolstering ecumenical relations, saying off the bat that division among Christians is borne from worldliness, and Christ must be prioritized over any differences that might get in the way of unity.  

    In his first official speech after touching down, the pope said Christians are called to walk together along the path of the Spirit, which means “rejecting worldliness” and “opting for a mindset of service and growing in forgiveness.”

    “It means playing our part in history but in God’s good time, not letting ourselves be caught up in the whirlwind of corruption but advancing calmly on the way whose signpost is the one commandment: ‘you shall love your neighbour as yourself.’”

    “We are called, together, to walk along this path,” he said, noting that walking together requires perpetual conversion and “the renewal of our way of thinking so that it can conform to that of the Holy Spirit.”

    It could be said that to walk in this way is to “operate at a loss,” he said, “since it does not adequately protect the interests of individual communities, often closely linked to ethnic identity or split along party lines, whether ‘conservative’ or ‘progressive.’”

    The pope then pointed to St…

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Ir-restawr tal-ikona venerabbli ta’ Sidtna Marija ta’ Damasku

    • L-ikona venerabbli ta’ Sidtna Marija ta’ Damasku, meqjuma fil-parroċċa Griega Kattolika li ġġib l-istess isem, u li tinsab fil-Belt Valletta, inġiebet Malta minn Rodi fis-sena 1530 mill-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann, flimkien mal-ikona ta’ Sidtna Marija l-Eleimonitria (il-Ħanina) u l-ikona ta’ Sidtna Marija ta’ Filermu. L-ikona tmur lura għall-ħdax/tnax-il seklu u hija ta’ qisien kbar (147.5 x 102.5 ċm)…

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