Pope Benedict XVI

Concern, mixed with joy and hope, were expressed in the words of Pope Benedict XVI this Christmas, during Vigil Mass Christmas eve and again in the Urbi et orbi message, addressed Christmas Day from the central balcony of St. Peter’s basilica to 50 thousand people in St Peter’s Square . The Pope spoke of the Middle East and Africa and launched an appeal to the new leaders of China. “Where God is not glorified, – he said during the Vigil Mass – where he is forgotten or even denied, there is no peace either.” During the Christmas day message he added: ” May the King of Peace turn his gaze to the new leaders of the People’s Republic of China for the high task which awaits them. I express my hope that, in fulfilling this task, they will esteem the contribution of the religions, in respect for each, in such a way that they can help to build a fraternal society for the benefit of that noble People and of the whole world. ”

Fil-Messaġġ tal-Milied u l-Barka Urbi et Orbi fil-Vatikan; il-Papa Benedittu XVI awgura Milied ta’ Paċi fl-artijiet fejn il-paċi fil-preżent tinsab ‘il bogħod fosthom fis-Sirja u fl-Art Imqaddsa

Il-Papa talab għall-waqfien mit-tixrid tad-demm fil-pajjiżi fejn hemm kunflitti kontinwi għaddejjin. Appella għal iktar għajnuna lir-refuġjati u lill-dawk li kellhom iħallu djarhom waqt li sejjaħ għal djalogu bejn il-mexxejja sabiex tinstab soluzzjoni għall-konflitt. Fid-dawl ta’ snin twal ta’ ġlied f’ Iżrael u l-Palestina, Benedittu XVI qal li l-paċi fl-Art Imqaddsa hija possibbli permezz ta’ negozjati u kuraġġ li titħalla titwettaq ir-rieda tal-Feddej.

Fi ħsiebu wkoll il-pajjiżi tal-Afrika ta’ Fuq li għadhom qed jittamaw f’futur ġdid wara transizzjoni profonda fosthom fl-Eġittu; art li sejħilha maħbuba u mbierka mit-tfulija ta’ Ġesu’. Awgura li l-Milied iġib ir-ritorn tal-paċi fin-Niġerja u fil-Mali, fejn l-attentati terroristiċi qegħdin ikomplu jħallu numru ta’ vittmi partikolarment fost l-Insara.

Il-Papa temm jawgura li kull art issir tajba billi tilqa’ u tnibbet l-imħabba, il-verita’, il-ġustizzja u l-paċi. Fi tmiem il-messaġġ tiegħu huwa awgura l-Milied it-Tajjeb b’65 lingwa differenti… fosthom bil-Malti.