Il-COMECE b’sejħa għall-Parlament Ewropew: Ipproteġu l-ħajjiet kollha
26/02/2021The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) has questioned some points of a resolution passed by the European Parliament on the so-called “right” to abortion in Poland in November 2020.
A letter issued by the Bishops on Monday and addressed to President of the European Parliament, David Maria Sassoli, stressed that the Catholic Church, which seeks to support women in life situations arising from difficult or unwanted pregnancies, “calls for the protection and care of all unborn life.”
“Every human person is called into being by God and needs protection, particularly when he or she is most vulnerable,” the Bishops said, adding that “special safeguard and care for the child, before and after birth is also expressed in international legal standards” including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child… Kompli aqra »