L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta ser tinvesti aktar fil-konservazzjoni permezz ta’ fondi mill-Unjoni Ewropea
The Archdiocese of Malta has been awarded €2.2 million in EU funds for the conservation, protection and promotion of ecclesiastical cultural heritage. Over a period of three years, the archives of the Archbishop’s Curia and a total of 15 parishes will benefit from the funds, following an application submitted by the Foundation for Cultural Heritage of the Archdiocese of Malta, to the Project Selection Committee for the allocation of EU funds (2014 – 2020).
The parishes which will benefit from these funds, for the restoration of historial buildings and the conservation of our cultural heritage, are: Attard, Balzan, Birkirkara (St Helen), Birkirkara (St Mary), Dingli, Gharghur, Marsaxlokk, Mdina, Mgarr, Mellieha, Mosta (including Bidnija), Naxxar, Paola (Christ the King), Rabat, and Tarxien…