Il-filmat li jidher hawn fuq intwera fil-bidu taċ-Ċelebrazzjoni Ewkaristika li saret fil-KonKatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Ħadd 10 ta’ April, 2011, fl-okkażjoni tal-ewwel anniversarju miż-Żjara Pastorali f’Malta tal-Papa Benedittu XVI. Il-messaġġ li jidher hawn taħt, indirizzat lill-Qdusija Tiegħu, inqara fi tmiem l-istess Quddiesa ta’ Radd il-Ħajr iċċelebrata mill-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona OP, l-Isqfijiet Maltin u n-Nunzju Appostoliku Tommaso Caputo.



Illum, il-Ħadd 10 ta’ April, 2011, il-ħames Ħadd tar-Randan, il-Komunita’ tal-Knisja Kattolika f’Malta hija miġbura fil-KonKatidral ta’ San Ġwann il-Battista fil-belt Valletta, madwar l-Isqfijiet u n-Nunzju Apostoliku, għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Ewkaristija fl-ewwel anniversarju taż-żjara li l-Qdusija Tiegħu għamel f’pajjizna nhar is-17 u t-18 ta’ April 2010. Xtaq ikun magħna ukoll l-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Dr. George Abela, President tar-Repubblika.

Qabel iċ-ċelebrazzjoni rajna filmat qasir b’ġabra tal-ġrajjiet prinċipali tal-Viżta Appostolika. B’hekk erġajna ġeddidna l-ferħ, il-grazzja, u l-messaġġ li Inti tajtna f’dawk il-ġranet memorabli.

Qdusija Tiegħek,

Kif urejnik matul iż-żmien li qagħdt fostna, niddikjaraw l-għaqda sħiħa u l-ubbidjenza tagħna ta’ ulied, lilek, Vigarju ta’ Kristu.

Nagħmlu tagħna it-Tagħlim Tiegħek għal evanġelizazzjoni ġdida fil-gzejjer tagħna u ħeġġa mġedda biex ngħaddu il-fidi fis-soċjeta’ tagħna.


Aħna maqgħudin miegħek fit-talb, nitolbuk li tbierek mill-ġdid lil Pajjizna u l-Knisja f’Malta u f’Għawdex.


Arċisqof ta’ Malta

Message by the Apostolic Nuncio, Mgr Tommaso Caputo:

Your Excellency Doctor George Abela, President of the Republic, Your Grace Archbishop Cremona, Archbishop Emeritus Mercieca, Bishop Depasquale, Bishop Micallef, Distinguished Authorities,

It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God that we are gathered here, this evening, on the first anniversary of the Pastoral Visit to Malta of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

I greet the religious and the laity, as well as the concelebrating priests, who despite other pastoral duties, especially in this intense period of Lent, have come to bear witness to their attachment to the Holy Father.

It is my duty, as the Representative of Pope Benedict XVI, to express the gratitude of the Holy Father and of the Holy See for the excellent preparation for the Pope’s pastoral visit, as well as for the marvelous welcome afforded by the people of Malta and Gozo to the Vicar of Christ. We will continue to cherish the deep spiritual experience when we opened our hearts to the Successor of St Peter, when we listened to his words at the Airport, at Rabat, Floriana and at the Valletta Waterfront in his unforgettable encounter with the youth of Malta and Gozo. Like the Maltese of the year 60 who welcomed the Apostle of the Gentiles shipwrecked on the shores of Malta, 1950 years later, the inhabitants of this beloved and “blessed land” have embraced the successor of the Prince of the Apostles.

Dear Archbishop Cremona, as Head of the Maltese Episcopal Conference, I thank you, and your brother bishops for your cooperation in the months leading to the Papal visit, as well as for the success of this great event. I also take the opportunity of publicly expressing my gratitude to the Highest Maltese Authorities ant to the Organizing Committee – composed of members from both Church and State – for their meticulous work, and the dedication of a large number of volunteers.

The visit to Malta filled the Holy Father with Christian joy and immense consolation. Pope Benedict, who is often informed on the Church in Malta and Gozo, still recalls his visit with satisfaction. I am informed that he has expressed these sentiments various times to his collaborators, in particular to Monsignor Alfred Xuereb, who works so closely to His Holiness.

May the spiritual enthusiasm we experienced, last year, as we welcomed Pope Benedict XVI, continue to be with us! May that enthusiasm inspire us to choose Jesus Christ and his teaching in all circumstances!


Titular Archbishop of Otricoli

Apostolic Nuncio in Malta

Agħfas fuq ir-ritratti biex tkabbar. Ir-ritratti tal-attivitajiet tal-Arċisqof jistgħu jinxtraw mill-ħanut PHOTOCITY, il-Belt. Tel: 21236723. Email: [email protected]