A number of youths accepted KDZ’s (Kummisjoni Djocesana Zghazagh) invitation to participate in a forum to discuss poverty in Malta. ‘Y Standup?’ on the morning of the 24th October, kicked off just after 9.00am. With great enthusiasm at voicing their opinions, the youths headed towards their respective workshops after a brief introduction on the event.
Each workshop had a theme to discuss poverty from different perspectives. The themes tackled were: ‘What can we, youths, do vis a vis poverty in Malta?’, ‘What can the church do vis a vis poverty?’, ‘What is the government’s stand in the fight against poverty?’, ‘Global climate change and fair trade’, and ‘Impact of EU politics on Malta’.
The points discussed in the respective groups together with a report from various youth groups, were then presented during the ‘open floor’ discussion where various members of parliament were present. The MPs present were: the Parliamentary Secretary responsible for youths and sports, Hon. Clyde Puli, the Chairperson of the Social Affairs Committee Hon. Edwin Vassallo, Hon. Marie Louise Colerio Preca, Hon. Carmelo Abela and Hon. Owen Bonnici.
During the event a person also shared his experience on poverty. He said that appearances are deceiving and that it is easy to think that a person is ‘normal’ from afar without knowing what their life is really like. He claimed that poverty is closer to home than we think.
Some other points which were brought up in the discussion were on relative poverty. The participants said that there should be more awareness as well as continuous work in our communities to help those in need. It was pointed out that youths are and should be part of the solution to raise social conscience with their peers.
Through the event, KDZ increased the number of people who stood up against poverty in Malta. The event came to an end with participants, together with Members of Parliament present for this event, forming the words ‘Y Standup?’and releasing white balloons representing their commitment towards fighting poverty.
Article written by Maria Borg u Tiziana Bartolo
Diversi zghazagh, is-Sibt 24 ta Ottubru laqghaw l-istedina li il-Kummisjoni Djocezana ghaz-Zghazagh ghamlet, ghall-forum dwar il-faqar f’Malta. L-gurnata bdiet b’intorduzzjoni qasira fuq l-attivita’ fejn iz-zghazagh gew imqasmin f’diversi gruppi biex jiddiskutu il-faqar fi gruppi izghar umin perspettivi differenti tas-socjeta Maltija.
Fil-bidu ta din id-diskussjoni sar rappurtagg ta’ kull workshop. Kull workshop kellu tema differenti fosthom: iz-zghazagh x’jistaw jaghmlu huma biex jelbghu il faqar fis-socjeta Maltija?, x’tista taghmel il knisja biex tikkumbatti il-faqar f’Malta?, X’inhu jaghmel l-stat kontra il-faqar f’malta? ‘Global climate change and faire trade’ u fl-ahhar izda mhux l-inqas l-impatt tal-ligijiet tal-Unjoni Ewropeja fuq Malta.
Wara din is-siegha, kulhadd rega iltaqa lura fi grupp wiehed fejn l-attivita’ kompliet b’diskussjoni bejn iz-zghazagh u l-Membri Parlamentari li attendew ghal din l-attivta. Dawn kienu: Is-segretarju Parlamentari responsabli ghaz-zghazagh u sport l-Onor Clyde Puli, ic-Chairperson tal-Kumitat Permanenti ta’ l-Affarijiet Socjali tal-Parlament l-Onor Edwin Vassallo, l-Onor Marie Lousire Colerio Preca, l-Onor Carmelo Abela kif ukoll l-Onor. Owen Bonnici.
Waqt din id-diskussjoni, kien hemm ukoll persuna li qasmet maz-zghazagh l-esperjenza tieghu tal-faqar. Huwa qal li “l-apparenza tinganna u li hafna nies mill-boghod jahsbu li persuna tkun ‘normali’ bla ma jindunaw min xiex ikun ghaddej persuna”. Huwa sostna wkoll li “l-faqar f’Malta qieghed aktar vicin milli wiehed jahseb”. Punti ohra li tqajmu waqt id-diskussjoni kienu dwar il-faqar relattiv, fejn intqal li hemm bzonn li jkun hemm aktar gharfien u hidma kontinwa fil-komunitajiet biex nghinu lil dawn in-nies, filwaqt li z-zghazagh huma parti mis-soluzzjoni biex iqajmu kuxjenza socjali ma zghazagh ohrajn.
Permezz ta’ din l-attivta’, il-KDZ ziedet in-numru ta’ nies li qed jirreaġixxu kontra il-poverta f’Malta. L-attivta’ giet fi tmiema bil-partecipanti kollha, flimkien mal-Membri Parlamentari, jiffurmaw il-kelma ‘Y Standup?’ u jtajru bzieqaq bojod biex juru l-impenn taghhom kontra il-faqar f’Malta.
L-artiklu nktiteb minn Maria Borg u Tiziana Bartolo